Signs Your Dog REALLY Trusts You


If you’re a dog owner, you know that dogs are more than just pets. They are loyal companions who provide us with unconditional love and support. As a result, it’s important to build a strong bond with your furry friend. One of the most important aspects of this bond is trust. Here are some signs your dog really trusts you.

First, if your dog follows your routine, it’s a good sign that they trust you as their leader. Dogs rely on their owners to meet their basic needs, such as food and exercise, so they feel more secure when they know that these needs will be met on a predictable schedule. This means that if your dog is waiting by the door when it’s time for their daily walk or meal, they trust you to take care of them.

Another sign that your dog trusts you is if they sleep near you. Dogs are vulnerable when they sleep, so if they choose to sleep beside you, it means they feel safe and secure in your presence. This is a strong indicator that your dog trusts you with their life.


Unwavering Eye Contact

One of the most significant indicators that your dog trusts you is when they make unwavering eye contact with you. Eye contact is a powerful way for dogs to communicate with humans and other dogs. It can convey a range of emotions, from love and trust to fear and aggression.

Comfort with Staring

If your dog maintains eye contact with you for long periods without breaking away, it is a sign of trust and affection. According to Newsweek, dogs who trust their owners are comfortable with staring. They will look at you directly in the eyes without feeling threatened or intimidated.

Mutual Gaze

Mutual gaze is another form of prolonged eye contact that is a sign of trust and affection. When you and your dog make eye contact, it releases oxytocin, a hormone that promotes bonding and trust. According to Best Life Online, mutual gaze helps to create a strong emotional connection between you and your dog. It is a sign that your dog feels safe and secure in your presence.

In conclusion, if your dog makes unwavering eye contact with you, it is a sign that they trust and love you. It is important to note that not all dogs are comfortable with prolonged eye contact, so it is essential to read your dog’s body language and respond appropriately.

Relaxed Body Language

One of the most obvious ways your dog shows they trust you is through their body language. When your dog is relaxed around you, it’s a strong sign that they feel safe and secure in your presence.

Loose Leash Walking

When you take your dog for a walk, pay attention to their leash behavior. If your dog is walking with a loose leash, it’s a good sign that they trust you to lead the way. A dog that is constantly pulling on the leash is likely feeling anxious or unsure about their surroundings.


Calm Demeanor at Rest

Another way to tell if your dog trusts you is by observing their behavior when they’re resting. A dog that is calm and relaxed while sleeping or resting near you is showing that they feel safe and comfortable in your presence. If your dog is constantly on alert or hesitant to relax around you, it may be a sign that they don’t fully trust you yet.

Remember, building trust with your dog takes time and patience. By paying attention to their body language and behavior, you can strengthen your bond and create a deeper level of trust between you and your furry friend.

Consistent Obedience

When your dog trusts you, they are more likely to be obedient and follow your commands. Consistent obedience is a strong sign that your dog trusts you.

Prompt Response to Commands

If your dog responds promptly to your commands, it’s a clear indication that they trust you. They know that following your commands will lead to positive outcomes, such as treats, praise, or playtime. This trust is built over time through consistent training and reinforcement of positive behavior.

To ensure prompt response to commands, make sure your dog is paying attention to you before giving a command. Use a clear and consistent tone of voice, and reward your dog for following your commands. Over time, your dog will learn to trust and respond to your commands promptly.

Willingness to Follow Directions

When your dog trusts you, they are more willing to follow your directions. This includes following you on walks, coming when called, and staying in one place when asked.


If your dog is willing to follow your directions, it’s a sign that they trust you to keep them safe and make decisions for them. This trust is built through consistent training and positive reinforcement.

To encourage willingness to follow directions, use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and playtime. Keep training sessions short and consistent, and be patient with your dog. Over time, your dog will learn to trust you and be more willing to follow your directions.

Seeking Physical Closeness

Dogs are social animals and seek physical closeness with their trusted humans. Here are some signs that your dog REALLY trusts you:

Frequent Snuggling

If your dog loves to snuggle with you, it’s a clear indication of their trust in you. Snuggling is a way for dogs to show affection and bond with their owners. If your dog seeks out physical contact with you frequently, such as curling up next to you on the couch or sleeping in your bed, it means they feel safe and secure around you.

Preference for Your Company

Dogs that trust their owners often prefer their company over anyone else’s. If your dog follows you around the house or gets excited when you come home, it’s a sign that they value your presence. They may also become anxious or upset when you leave, which is a sign of their attachment to you.

In summary, if your dog seeks physical closeness with you, it’s a strong sign that they trust you. By snuggling with you and preferring your company, they are showing their affection and attachment to you.


Showing Vulnerability

Dogs are pack animals and rely on their pack members for survival. When your dog shows vulnerability around you, it is a clear sign that they trust you. Here are some behaviors that indicate your dog trusts you and feels comfortable showing vulnerability around you.

Exposing Belly

One of the most common signs of trust is when a dog exposes its belly. This means that the dog is comfortable enough to let its guard down and expose its most vulnerable area. When your dog rolls over and shows you its belly, it is a clear indication that they feel safe and secure around you. This behavior is often accompanied by a wagging tail and a relaxed facial expression.

Sleeping in Your Presence

Dogs are instinctually cautious when it comes to sleeping. When a dog is asleep, it is at its most vulnerable, and so it is important for them to feel safe and secure in their surroundings. If your dog chooses to sleep in your presence, it is a clear sign that they trust you and feel comfortable around you. This behavior is often seen when dogs curl up next to their owners or sleep at their feet.

In conclusion, when your dog shows vulnerability around you, it is a clear indication that they trust you. Exposing their belly and sleeping in your presence are two behaviors that demonstrate this trust. By recognizing these signs, you can build a stronger bond with your furry friend and continue to strengthen your relationship.

Listening Intently

Dogs have an exceptional ability to listen and understand human speech. They are also very good at reading human body language and facial expressions. If your dog listens to you intently, it is a sign that they trust you. Here are some signs that your dog is listening intently to you:

Head Tilts When You Speak

When you speak to your dog, they may tilt their head to the side, which is an indication that they are listening carefully to what you are saying. This is a natural behavior for dogs, and it is a sign that they are paying close attention to you. According to DogsAndClogs, when your dog tilts their head, it means that they are trying to understand what you are saying.

Attentive to Your Sounds

Dogs have a keen sense of hearing, and they can pick up on sounds that humans cannot detect. If your dog is attentive to your sounds, it means that they are listening intently to you. For example, if you are watching TV, and your dog hears a sound that is unfamiliar to them, they may stop what they are doing and listen intently to the sound. This is a sign that your dog trusts you and is paying close attention to your surroundings.

In summary, when your dog listens intently to you, it is a sign that they trust you. They may tilt their head when you speak or be attentive to your sounds. These are natural behaviors for dogs, and they are an indication that your dog values your communication.


Calmness During Handling

When your dog trusts you, they will remain calm during handling. This means they will not struggle or resist when you groom them or touch them in sensitive areas.

Ease with Grooming

If your dog trusts you, they will allow you to groom them without any difficulty. They will not show any signs of aggression, fear or anxiety, and will remain calm throughout the grooming process. This includes brushing, bathing, and clipping their nails.

Acceptance of Touch in Sensitive Areas

Dogs have sensitive areas that they may not like being touched. These include their paws, ears, and tail. When your dog trusts you, they will allow you to touch these areas without any resistance. They will not flinch, snap, or growl when you touch them, indicating that they feel safe and secure in your presence.

Overall, when your dog trusts you, they will remain calm during handling and show no signs of fear or aggression. This is a clear indication that your dog feels comfortable and secure with you.

Excitement Upon Your Return

When your dog is excited to see you return home, it’s a clear sign that they trust and value your presence. This excitement can manifest in various ways, such as joyful greeting rituals and eagerness at your arrival.

Joyful Greeting Rituals

Dogs that trust their owners will often have a joyful greeting ritual when they come home. This ritual can include wagging their tail, jumping up and down, and barking with excitement. Some dogs may even bring their favorite toy or treat to show their happiness and affection.


It’s important to note that not all dogs show their excitement in the same way. Some may be more reserved and show their joy by simply wagging their tail or cuddling up close to you. Others may be more exuberant and jump up to give you a big hug.

Eagerness at Your Arrival

Another sign that your dog trusts you is their eagerness at your arrival. Dogs that trust their owners will often wait by the door or window, eagerly anticipating your return. They may even start pacing or whining if you’re running late.

When you do arrive, your dog may follow you around the house or be extra clingy for a while. This is because they value your presence and want to be close to you. It’s important to give them attention and affection during this time, as it reinforces their trust in you.

Overall, a dog’s excitement upon your return is a clear sign that they trust and value your presence. Whether it’s through joyful greeting rituals or eagerness at your arrival, your dog’s love and trust is a precious gift that should be cherished.

Checking in on Walks

When your dog is walking with you, they may demonstrate their trust in you by checking in on you. This behavior is a sign that your dog sees you as their leader and trusts your guidance.

Looking Back at You

One way that dogs check in with their owners is by looking back at them during walks. This behavior demonstrates that your dog is aware of your presence and trusts you to keep them safe. When your dog looks back at you, it is a sign that they are checking to make sure that you are still with them and that they are not alone.

Staying Within Close Range

Another way that dogs check in with their owners is by staying within close range. When your dog stays close to you during walks, it is a sign that they trust you to keep them safe and that they feel secure in your presence. This behavior also demonstrates that your dog sees you as their leader and that they are willing to follow your guidance.

Overall, checking in on walks is a behavior that demonstrates your dog’s trust in you. When your dog looks back at you or stays within close range, it is a sign that they see you as their leader and that they trust your guidance. By understanding these behaviors, you can deepen your bond with your dog and build a stronger relationship based on trust and mutual respect.

Peaceful Mealtime Behavior

Mealtime is a significant event in a dog’s day, and their behavior during this time can indicate how much they trust you. Here are two behaviors that show your dog trusts you during mealtime:

Eating without Guarding

If your dog eats their food without guarding it, it’s a clear indication that they trust you. Dogs who are protective of their food are usually anxious that someone might take it away from them. If your dog trusts you, they will feel comfortable eating around you without worrying that you might take their food away.

Patience While You Prepare Food

If your dog sits patiently while you prepare their food, it’s another sign that they trust you. Dogs who are anxious and nervous around their owners tend to get excited and agitated when they see their food being prepared. However, if your dog trusts you, they will be calm and patient while you prepare their food.

During mealtime, it’s essential to give your dog space and avoid disturbing them while they eat. If you have other pets, make sure to feed them separately to avoid any conflicts. By providing your dog with a peaceful mealtime environment, you can strengthen your bond with them and build trust.