The 14 Signs Your Dog Might Be Dying

If you have a furry friend at home, then you know that they are more than just pets; they are family members. As your dog ages, it’s important to keep an eye out for signs that they may be nearing the end of their life. Here are 15 signs that your dog might be dying:

1. They Lose Control Over Their Bladder

If your dog is experiencing incontinence and having trouble controlling its need to urinate, then it could be an indicator that your dog is nearing the end of its life. Generally, if your dog is experiencing incontinence but is still acting normal in all other regards, then the dog is probably not quite nearing the end of its life. However, if you notice your dog is having trouble controlling its need to urinate, then you should take it to the vet.

2. Strange Breathing Patterns

As your dog reaches the end of its life, it may start to exhibit some strange breathing patterns. If your dog is showing several of the other signs on this list as well, then it’s likely that your dog’s time is nearly done. If strange breathing patterns are the only sign on this list that you’re seeing from your dog, then call the vet right away.

3. They’re No Longer Interested in the World Around Them

Dogs that are close to death often seem to completely stop caring about the world around them and the things they normally busied themselves with. Your dog hasn’t stopped coming to the door because it stopped loving you. Rather, your dog is old, and several other issues make it difficult for them to do things it used to do. They’re more tired, they might be in pain, and they could even have mobility problems making it hard for them to get around or even get up.

4. Persistent Stomach Problems

Many dogs begin to develop stomach issues as they get close to their final days. If your dog is experiencing gastrointestinal issues, it’s best to take them to a vet to get professional advice.

5. Becoming Excessively Clingy

As the end of its life approaches, your dog might turn to you in search of comfort, causing them to be clingier than usual. They might be following you around, laying on you every chance they get. Make sure to cherish this time you get together. Many dogs actually do the opposite and try to spend more time alone in an effort to hide their illness.

6. Their Gums Change Color

Changes in the color of your dog’s gums can indicate that its organs are no longer functioning properly. But your dog’s gums changing colors doesn’t necessarily mean they’re dying, though it does mean medical attention is necessary.

7. Twitching and Spasms

A random twitch or muscle spasm here or there is not a sign that your dog is dying. It’s perfectly normal for a dog to twitch at random, and it happens to humans too. What’s not normal is intense twitching that lasts for more than a few seconds or even causes your dog to fall over.

8. Extreme Lethargy

Dogs tend to lose a lot of their energy and spunkiness as they reach old age. By the end of their life, they’re not moving around too much. On their own, these signs aren’t a clear indicator of being close to death, though when coupled with other symptoms on this list and old age, it’s quite likely that your dog’s time is nearing.

9. Lack of Coordination

When your dog is reaching advanced age, muscle control begins to falter. This can affect balance and cause your dog to lose its coordination. A loss of coordination could be caused by other factors including dehydration.

10. Changes in Appetite

Most illnesses can cause a change in your pooch’s appetite. Unexplained alterations in your dog’s eating patterns are the kind that are worrisome and could mean the end is near.

11. Lack of Thirst

Also common is a decreased interest in drinking. Your dog could practically cease drinking altogether as the final day gets close.

12. Body Temperature Changes

Dogs control their body temperature through their breathing and circulation. Unfortunately, many dogs have difficulty breathing in their final days and weeks, which can reduce or eliminate their ability to control their body temperature.

13. Behavioral Changes

Your dog probably isn’t feeling its best in the final stretch of its lifespan. They could be sick, in pain, uncomfortable, and going through a lot of changes all at once. This can lead to them becoming irritable.

14. Social Detachment

Dogs that are close to death often seem to completely stop caring about the world around them and the things they normally busied themselves with. They might no longer play


In summary, it’s important to be aware of the signs that your dog may be reaching the end of their life. While any one of these signs alone may not be cause for alarm, if you notice several of them occurring together, it may be time to consult with your veterinarian. Remember to cherish the time you have left with your furry friend and make the most of it. Additionally, it’s important to consider pet insurance and a healthy diet for your dog’s overall well-being. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your dog is happy and healthy for as long as possible.